Hello! My name is Eunice and this page is a little about me. Just the facts: 60-something, wife and mother, live in Wales, Pagan.

I have been making personal websites since the mid 1990's, the first one being hosted by Geocities, of course. I used other people's websets for a little while while, until I was inspired to make my own when I bought Paintshop Pro 3, I think it was. And I've been making websets ever since. I was just too late to join Juelle's, and the RedRose Webdesign courses. But I found other people's portfolios online and tried them out for myself. I learned a lot along the way. I have also taken part in the Pinkrose Webdesign course, which morphed into Winni's webdesign courses, 1 and 2.

My early designs were based on frames I made through various tutorials (including Winni's), but now I use scrapkits. The one I used for this set is by LunaBella. I am inordinately fond of strawberries!

Petrichor is the lovely scent after a heavy fall of rain onto dry soil. The word is ancient Greek and referred to the etherial blood of the Gods. Petrichor.x10.mx is hosted by X10Premium.


Designed by Eunice for Petrichor Designs. 2023 All Rights Reserved